Why does my dog keep licking me, and is my cat really happy when they’re purring?
Being a pet owner comes with plenty of responsibilities – and questions! To help you weed through the noise and separate fact from fiction, we’ve rounded up the top searched queries from dog and cat owners alike to provide you with some much-needed clarity.

Why does my dog eat grass?
Despite the common myth that dogs eat grass on an upset stomach, it’s actually perfectly normal. Dogs are omnivores and naturally crave the act of eating grass as part of their genetic makeup, dating back to when they hunted their own prey. As long as your dog isn’t consuming toxic pesticides used to treat some lawns, they’re perfectly fine eating grass.
Why does my dog scoot across the carpet?
We’ve all seen fido scoot their bottom across our living room carpet and, as gross as it is, it’s often your dog’s way of trying to ease their own discomfort related to anal gland problems, allergies, or irritation.
If this behavior is common, it’s best to contact your vet to help determine if your dog’s anal sacs have become abscessed, blocked, or inflamed so they can offer some much needed relief for your pup.
Why does my dog circle around before lying down?
Do you ever watch your dog spin around and around before finally settling down in their beds? This isn’t them acting silly – it’s actually a behavior trait they’ve inherited from the wild as an act of self-preservation to ward off an attack.
Some wildlife experts believe that wolves sleep with their noses to the wind to quickly pick up on a threatening scent. By circling around, dogs can innately determine the direction of the wind so they can best position themselves to be able to sense danger and a potential attack with a quick whiff.
Why does my dog lick me?
While it might annoy you, licking is an instinctive behavior for dogs that releases endorphins and calms them, It can be your dog’s way of communicating multiple things with you, from simply exploring the world through scent and taste (like humans do with their hands and eyes), to trying to get your attention or show you affection.
However, if licking is an obsessive compulsion for your dog and you can’t get them to stop, it’s a good idea to contact your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health or behavioral issues.

Why does my cat purr so much?
In most cases, cats purr as a sign of contentment when they are in a relaxed environment. And while purring often signifies a happy cat, it can also be your cat’s way of communicating other emotions like hunger, or to self-soothe if they’re in pain.
Pay attention to other body language and signals from your cat – like if their eyes are relaxed or if they look tense – to determine if they’re truly content, or if a trip to the vet may be in order.
Why does my cat knead their paws?
Cat kneading, or “making biscuits,” is an instinctive cat behavior that they’ve inherited from pawing at their mothers’ tummies to encourage milk flow before meal time as kittens.
Into adulthood, cats mimic this trait to convey comfort, and stressed cats may knead to create a soothing, calm mood that reminds them of feeding time during kitten-hood.
Why does my cat sleep so much?
The average adult cat sleeps anywhere from 16 – 18 hours per day – hence the term “catnap.” However, unlike humans who fall deep into REM cycles during sleep, cats are mostly just resting, and should respond quickly to noise around them, like you walking in the room or cracking open a can of cat food.
If you’re worried your cat is sleeping too much, it could be a sign of boredom. Try to increase the stimuli in their environment with toys, scratching posts, and plenty of play time to keep them active throughout the day.
Why does my cat randomly bite me?
You’re lovingly stroking your cat, they’re purring happily, then suddenly, out of nowhere, the mood changes and they chomp down on your hand. If you’re a cat owner, you’ve likely been in this painful situation more than a few times. So what gives?
The simple answer: cats have proximity issues, and can get overstimulated fairly quickly. So while this change in attitude can seem out of the blue for you, it’s entirely justified by your cat, who has a very fine line between enjoyable handling and irritating petting. Keep the petting to a minimum and give your cat plenty of space to avoid overstimulation for them, and a painful bite for you!
Have more questions?
Part of being a responsible pet owner means staying curious and asking questions. While google can offer plenty of advice, it’s always a good idea to contact your vet for the best, most accurate advice for your pet.